Pediatric Occupational Therapy

We have highly trained and experienced occupational therapists who are passionate about their careers focused on occupational therapy for children (we also offer adult occupational therapy).  We have a full service pediatric occupational therapy clinic in Lincolnton, NC.  We can also do in home and daycare private therapy.

Not sure what  pediatric occupational therapy is? 

We all know that speech therapy gets you talking and physical therapy gets you walking—but what is occupational therapy? Everything in between, which means we provide therapy to address difficulties related to fine motor skills, sensory processing, and self-help skills. Read below for a full description of common diagnoses as well as milestones your child should be reaching.

Our experienced occupational therapists’ have a wide range of knowledge and intervention techniques to help your child reach their maximum potential. We pride ourselves on our ability to challenge children and help them reach goals that initially appear out of reach.

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How do I know if my child needs a pediatric occupational therapy evaluation?

Common pediatric occupational therapy diagnoses we treat include:
  • Fine Motor Delay/Coordination disorder
  • Self-Help Delay (cannot dress themselves or feed themselves at an age appropriate level)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Stroke
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Feeding Difficulties
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Down Syndrome
  • Handwriting Difficulties
  • Oral Motor Difficulties/low tone
  • Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Brachial Plexus Injuries

Age Specific Skills

Age Specific Self-Feeding Skills

Age 5-7 months: Takes cereal or pureed baby food from spoon

Age 6-8 months: Attempts to hold bottle but may not retrieve it if it falls (needs to be monitored)

Age 6-9 months: Consumes soft foods that dissolve in the mouth

Age 9-13 months: Finger-feeds self a portion of meals consisting of soft table foods

Age 12-14 months: Dips spoon in food, brings spoonful of food to mouth (often spills food by inverting spoon before it goes into mouth)

Age 15-18 months: Scoops food with spoon and brings it to mouth

Age 24-30 months: Demonstrates interest in using fork (able to stab food) and proficient with it

Age Specific Fine Motor Skills

Age 6 months: Can bring hands to midline

Age 7 months: Transfers items hand to hand

Age 9 months: Able to clap hands

Age 14 months: Able to scribble

Age 19-20 months: Able to complete knob puzzles

Age 23-25 months: Able to draw vertical & horizontal lines

Age 29-30 months: Able to stack 10 blocks

Age 33 months: Can copy circle

Age 3: Able to cut a piece of paper in half
Able to copy cross

Age 4: Can copy a square
Able to cut a straight line

Age 5: Start to color inside the lines
Cut out basic shapes
Trace/write name

Age Specific Self-dressing Skills

Age 1: Cooperates with dressing (holds out arms & feet)
Pulls off shoes, Removes socks

Age 2: Removes unfastened coat
Helps pull down pants, Finds armholes in pullover shirt

Age 2 ½: Removes pull-down pants (with elastic waist)
Assists in pulling on socks, Puts on front-button coat or shirt

Age 3: Puts on pullover shirt with minimal assistance
Puts on shoes without fasteners (may be on the wrong feet), Independently pulls down pants, Zips & unzips jacket once on track, Needs assistance to remove pullover shirt, Buttons large front buttons

Age 4: Removes pullover garment independently
Buckles shoes or belt, Zips jacket zipper, Puts on socks correctly, Puts on shoes (needs assistance in tying laces), Consistently identifies the front and back of garments

Age 4 ½: Puts belt in loops

Age 5: Ties and unties knots
Dresses unsupervised

Age 6: Ties bows
Manipulate snaps

How do I know when to ask for a pediatric occupational therapy evaluation for my child?